The Good Country Kennel Wait list?

Now’s the time to jump on the wait list, It’s the only way to guarantee you get a puppy. Our customers are picking the mummy, and the sex for their next family member. Send us a message from our Facebook site to get on the list! We just need which Mummy, your preference, male or Female, your town, phone number, and a bit of the circumstances you will be taking our puppies too, and you will be bringing your new baby home


Good morning all,

Its nearly time! our Delicious “Ziggy” is soon to give birth to a new litter of Maltese Shih-Tzu’s. She is so close I can see the puppies moving about.

We have created a new Whelping box just for Miss Ziggy, i will add some pictures when we’re done in case anyone wants to make their own.

At this stage, all the puppies are spoken for and we will begin to call people on our list when the puppies are 2 weeks old, vet checked and healthy.

Just a reminder, being on the list does not guarantee a puppy nor does it guarantee a price as we review pricing on each litter. it just guarantees we will call you and discuss puppy availability and price.

New Updated site

Good morning all and welcome to the new Good Country Kennel Site! It is under construction and being modified all the time! We will be posting pictures of our new litters as they become available and keep you updated on new events/arrivals/developments.

2 of our Purebred English Cocker Spaniels Kenya and Cookie have been mated with pedigreed Purebred Toy Poodles and we have all fingers crossed for a successful mating! Bring on the Spoodles!!

Our delicious Ziggy, a Maltese Shih-Tzu has been mated with our Magnificent Stud Maltese Shih-Tzu Cully and we have all fingers crossed! Maltese Shih-Tzu puppies coming up!!

We are taking names for our waiting list and due to huge demand, to be fair to everyone it is a case of “first in best dressed”. Being on the list guarantees you a puppy in the future, but not when they will be available or due to the waiting time, how much they will be. Please see the note below on the price.

Please Note: Prices will vary from litter to litter and the sex of the puppy. Prices are constantly being reviewed due to the rapidly changing world we find ourselves in at the moment. They will be announced just prior to, or after each new litter is born. Non-refundable deposits will be taken only after the pups are born and confirmed healthy.

Anyway thats all the news for today, Stay warm and very importantly stay safe!